Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The artist I want to explore in more depth is Mary Lou Zelasny. Her work was one of the most appealing in comparison to the other artists I chose to look at. Her work typically depicts humans that have seemed to blend in with their backgrounds. Her backgrounds range anywhere from spacious skies to a peaceful forest. One aspect of her work that stands out is her use of abstract color in all of her recent paintings. Her very best paintings in my own opinion are the ones where she uses thick layers of paint to really give her work a lot of texture.

In an interview with Mary, she talks about where her ideas for paintings arise from which is actually very interesting. She typically picks out things she either thinks about or things she sees directly. Her examples were food, dating, current events, etc. An example she brings up is her idea for her painting entitled, O Sol Mio. She says that she found a cigarette butt in the sand one day at the beach and was reminded that no matter where you go there's always evidence of human activity.

As a whole i find her work to be awesome, the only thing i wish would be for a little narrative that I could put to her paintings.

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