Monday, May 11, 2015

I realize that I am once again late with this blog post so instead of giving the two ideas i originally came up with I'm going to explain how my idea that i chose to pursue has since developed. So my original idea that I chose to go with was to take each of the seven deadly sins and make a painting that I thought would do well in expressing the consequences of each sin. I would make a silhouette of each idea to make the paintings have a dark and scary kind of feel to them. I would then apply a few colors in the background that I felt would fit well with the sin itself. A side idea that I was a bit iffy on was the idea to have a quote sitting in the background to add a bit of drama to the sin. 

I ended up keeping these ideas however I have since added some to the overall mix. One day i was really frustrated with something going on in my personal life and i attacked the painting I was using to depict pride. the resulting mix and tearing of colors ended up looking really cool and i think really expresses the pain and agony that each sin can cause to both the one acting on the sin and those around the person. Overall i'm hoping that I can  successfully display the sins. I guarantee that not everybody will know which sin is which.

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