Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The man I chose to study for this rather delayed second essay is Adrian Ghenie. Adrian Grew up in Romania where he spent his entire early life. He owes most of his success in art to his childhood neighbor who saw his potential as an artist at an early age. He notes that she would more than often lend him art books and would sometime come draw with him.

His father was a bug figure in his life and remains so in his artwork to this day. His father was a member of the secret service in Romania until the political views of the country changed. After that his father entered a reclusive state of mind. Adrian often looks to this time in his life to spark ideas for pieces. He soon made the move to Berlin where he resides to this day.

The thing that really draws me to this guys as an artist is first and foremost, the look and feel of his paintings. They all have a very eerie feel to them that seems to make you forget your surroundings and become consumed by them. From far away the paintings seem to be very neat and tidy but upon taking a much closer look at the work you can see the beautiful untidiness of the work.

The second aspect that draws me to his work ties in with the untidiness of the it. All of his art is done with a pallet knife. An interviewer noted that they didn't see a single paintbrush in sight upon entering his studio.  Such mastery over that tool is inspirational to someone like me who is just beginning to get a feel for the medium.

Overall I see Adrian Ghenie as one my favorite artists I've encountered as far as painting goes. Assuming i ever consider a career in painting, I will remember to look back at this man for ideas and inspiration.

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