Tuesday, April 14, 2015

So I realize it's a little late for a midterm evaluation of myself but I'm just going to go ahead and talk about how I feel i've progresses up until now.

So coming into the coarse I was absolutely under prepared for the class overall. My last painting coarse was with Trace Miller two semesters ago and prior to that I've have little to no experience with paint. The difference between drawing and painting is huge for me. You need almost a completely different mind set when painting. So it came as no surprise to me when my first work didn't come out the way I wanted it to. I felt like my second series of paintings didn't come out too wonderfully either.

After those two I felt like I needed to try something new, so when I found out that we wouldn't be graded on quality of work for our abstract projects I decided just to go crazy. It was through this that I found that the feel and mark of the pallet knife was something that i like more than using the brushes. So as of right now I feel like I can explore a whole new side of painting and I hope that from here on out I can a have good amount of success in it.

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