Monday, April 6, 2015

British painter Lucian Frued is was well known for his large, graphic oil paintings of people animals and still life. Often times his subjects were painted in strange positions and would also have exaggerated features. His portrayal of clothing, although not often seen, is a real highlight for me personally. The flow and feel of the drapery is amazingly accurate and appealing.

            One thing I notice about his work that peaks my interest is the eerie and sometimes gross feeling that emits from the work. An example would be his painting named Benefits Supervisor Sleeping. Just looking at the work is hard enough. Not necessarily due to the overweight woman but more because of the extreme amount of detail he put into every fold of her body.

            Lucian has a whole ship full of insightful and intelligent quotes. The one I found most impactful was, “The longer you look at an object, the more abstract it becomes, and, ironically, the more real.” He doesn’t elaborate any further upon the quote, which leaves the reader to interpret what he means. I personally believe that he is saying simply staring at a subject/object for a long period of time allows that thing to become stamped on the artists mind. From there it is his to change and mold to what he or she wants.

            Freud’s paintings as a whole are each dark and different in their own way. The shear amount of time and detail placed into perfecting the flesh is what makes his works stand out among the rest.

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